If People Don’t Vote (or are prevented ) Polls Are Not Worth Anything.

general opinion poll graph
If 2016 taught Democrats anything, it was to suspend hubris, remain cautious — and brace ourselves. We should not be caught up in recent headlines such as “Trump’s 2020 polls prove Democrats need to start planning for a Biden White House,” “The Biden blowout scenario” and “Trump’s Struggles Ripple Across the Sun Belt, Endangering G.O.P. Stronghold.” They remind me of the inevitable baseball headlines every spring: “Mets Pitching Rotation Will Dominate.”
— The Hill

Opinion polls are like small sugar rushes that pop on your news feed at this point in the presidential election. That is if you are on the left and supporting Biden, I assume Trumps is biding his time and hoping that some of the voting barriers and restrictions being rolled out will enable his party to suppress just enough of the electorate to tip a few battleground states his way. Vote Vote Vote


Amy Coney Barrett’s Use Of The Term ‘Sexual Preference’ Is Telling.


Drop Boxes, The Latest Voting Battle Ground