Good Behavior And Model Leadership Won The Election.
The election really came down to the perceptions that Trump lost control of the pandemic and his refusal to wear a mask. (Washington Post)
Publicly perceived good behavior and model mask wearing may have won President Elect Biden the White House. We are in desperate need of good behavior, especially good behavior from people in the highest levels of our government. Like all societies since the dawn of time, people as a whole tend to model their own behavior after what they perceive as leaders acting appropriately and in a thoughtful and deliberate manner. President Elect Biden was able to capitalize on the never ending circus that characterized the last 4 years. The bacchanal in the Oval Office was tolerated by the public while all of the economic engines were running seamlessly. Covid ushered in a national crises on many ends, including a severe economic recession, and the electorate viewed the Executive branch ineptitude and kakistocracy with only scorn.