The Coronavirus Continues To Rapidly Mutate.

The Coronavirus is continually mutating and that poses many challenges to efforts in combating the virus. (Washington Post)

During those terrifying early days of the pandemic, scientists offered one piece of reassuring news about the novel coronavirus: It mutated slowly. The earliest mutations did not appear to be consequential. A vaccine, if and when it was invented, might not need regular updating over time.

This proved overly optimistic.

The coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has had billions of chances to reconfigure itself as it has spread across the planet, and it continues to evolve, generating new variants and subvariants at a clip that has kept scientists on their toes. Two-and-a-half years after it first spilled into humans, the virus has repeatedly changed its structure and chemistry in ways that confound efforts to bring it fully under control.
— By Joel Achenbach, writing for 'The Washington Post'

The Coronavirus continues to mutate and could eventually cause our current vaccines to lack efficacy in fighting the virus. Large sums of research money must be directed towards combating this disease or it will continue to cause Global life to be upended. The only way to find the light at the end of the tunnel is continuing our R&D efforts but that will become politically difficult as the virus seems to wane and the general public mentally moves beyond the pandemic.


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