Former Presidents Step Up To Show Leadership Where None Exists.

Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and George Bush are the only current or former Presidents discussing the Worsening Covid-19 Pandemic. (CNN)

The former presidents are stepping up as America plunges into its toughest battle against Covid-19 before the new vaccines, expected to soon be approved by US regulators, bring deliverance. But there are few signs that the current President is ready to call on the nation to muster for one last fight against the worsening pandemic before the immunizations become available to most Americans.
— Stephen Collinson writing for 'CNN'
Presidents Clinton, Bush an Obama walking outside

Amazingly, these former leaders are now tasked with trying to fill a void that only a sitting President can fill with his own leadership. However, Presidents Bush, Obama and Clinton recognize this nation is in serious trouble and mind numbing hearings in state assemblies concerning a ‘stolen election’ are not going to help solve the intractable dilemma presented by the raging pandemic. Let us wish them the best and hopefully they will be able to offer a modicum of support to a nation in desperate need.


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