Energy Demand Skyrocketing With Surprising Culprits.

For much of the 20th century, America’s electricity use increased steadily and utilities built plenty of coal, gas and nuclear plants in response. But starting in the mid-2000s, demand flattened. The economy and population kept expanding, but factories, lightbulbs and even refrigerators became much more energy efficient.

Now demand is rising again, for several reasons.

The growth of remote work, video streaming and online shopping has led to a frenzied expansion of data centers across the nation. The rise of artificial intelligence is poised to accelerate that trend: By 2030, electricity demand at U.S. data centers could triple, using as much power as 40 million homes, according to Boston Consulting Group.
— By Brad Plumer and Nadja Popovich

Big tech and big energy demands are creating big problems for the power grid combines with a warming climate which could spell short term disaster. The antiquated power grid is in desperate need of an upgrade for the 21st Century but the money it would take to overhaul the systems is extraordinary. Meanwhile the the new kid on the block, AI, threatens to turn into a massive Goliath sucking up more energy than ever thought possible. Big problems call for big ideas but Washington can agree on almost nothing. Therein lies the problem.


RNC To the Trump NC. Former President Controls The Party. #TNC


GOP Russia Love =No Longer The Gipper’s Party.