Republicans Waging War On Voters.

the word voters with lock and chain
But across the country, the group most responsible for making voting harder, if not impossible, for millions of Americans is the Republican Party. Republicans have been saying it themselves for ages. “I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, a leader of the modern conservative movement, told a gathering of religious leaders in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
— NY Times

Voting rights will become a central theme in American politics going forward. As a younger generation comes of age they will begin asking why EVERYONE is not afforded a right to vote and why some people are still systematically excluded? Internet iris scan voting will be here, it simply has to come into fruition and will be a supreme voting equalizer.


Falwell Follies.


Americans Are Voting In Droves.