3,000 A Day-Another Grim Covid Death Record.

Covid-19 deaths reached 3,000, setting another tragic record in the unrelenting pandemic. (NY Times)

microscopic image of Covid-19 virus
Hospitals across the country are operating near or above capacity as they cope with a growing flood of Covid-19 cases. New data released this week by the Department of Health and Human Services offered a detailed geographic picture of the crisis, with more than a third of Americans living in areas where hospitals are running critically short of intensive care beds.
— 'NY Times'

A pandemic that could have been prevented continues with its death grip on America as more intensive care hospital beds fill up and deaths reach record numbers. We currently have no national leadership and the ocean liner is adrift at sea with little hopes of stabilizing anytime soon. The Biden transition team has taken some very promising steps to help curb the effects of the pandemic but it will take a yeoman’s effort to turn this ship around after the willful neglect leveled upon it.


In Financial Straights? Good Luck, Washington Bickers On.


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