
microscopic image of the novel Corona Virus
More deaths have been announced in the United States than in any other country, and reports of new coronavirus cases have climbed in the U.S. and parts of Europe in recent days, suggesting an uncertain new phase in the crisis.

Some estimated in March that fewer than 500 would die over the course of the pandemic. “More like 60,000,” the leading U.S. authority on infectious disease predicted in April. “Anywhere from 75,000, 80,000 to 100,000 people,” President Trump said in May.
— New York Times

An incredible number of Americans have succumbed to the novel Corona Virus, something that could have been avoided if competent leadership was in place to confront one of the biggest natural disasters in history. America chose to be led by incompetent people and the results have been disastrous. The kakistocracy continues and more grim milestones await.


CDC Blues


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