Conservative Icon Dead.
Rush Limbaugh passed away of lung cancer today after announcing last year he was terminally ill. (Politico)
“Limbaugh disclosed last February that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. One day after that disclosure, then-President Donald Trump appeared to surprised Limbaugh by awarding him a Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union address. Trump, speaking to Fox News on Wednesday in his first television interview since leaving office last month, disclosed that Limbaugh knew in advance that he would receive the medal because his health had deteriorated to the point where attending the State of the Union address was difficult for him.
Rush Limbaugh was the original provacateur who injected intense partisanship into American social landscape. He could be called the precursor to Fox New Channel, kind of Fox News before Fox News- just on the radio. His devoted fans helped usher in an era of what some call ‘conservatism’ but many view as as not really fiscally conservative but more of a culture war conservatism that championed right wing judges but racked up sky high deficits at the same time. The culture was has fallen out of favor with gay marriage and abortion here to stay and the deficit will be just as much a fixture in the political landscape for generations to come. I am not sure what all the bloviating achieved.